I am Oxana Mattiocco, an Intuitive Business Coach with multiple successful businesses.
I specialize in healing traumas and spiritual awakening because it's the fastest way to your true self.
Through my mentoring, many high achieving women have already unlocked their Authentic power, unstopable confidence and abundance in their lives.
They have found clarity and mission and learned how to manifest their dreams and discover their Purpose, and personal and spiritual blueprint.
The've scaled their businesses, significantly improved their relationships with themselves and others.
I'm very passionate to work with Spiritual Entrepreneurs who have big dreams and want to create a massive impact in this world with their work, unique God given gifts and stories.
As a licensed psychologist, NLP Master and Tony Robbins Certified Strategic Interventionist and a Coach I have a special and natural ability to see through your limiting beliefs, inner resistance, mental and energetic blocks, and help you rewire them, so you can experience massive shifts and leaps in all areas of your life, expanding your business, creating a 6-7 figures income, gaining more confidence, having healthy, beautiful , thriving relationship with the self and others.
I have sold millions of dollars worth of products and services for major corporations and ad my own businesses, conducted many personal trainings, helped so many transform their lives.
A Guide to Your Goals
I've had all the things many could dream of : lived on the Coast of Southern California in beautiful homes, had a loving family , great husband , amazing son, successful career , drove luxury cars and traveled to 5 stars destinations .
Although it felt like a dream life and looked like I had it all, I did not feel happy. I was never just content with material blessings or even the love of my family. There was a big missing piece and I felt a void inside. I became depressed and resentful. It was a sad face with a smile on it .I was embarrassed and angry for no apparent reason .
A dark day that brought me to my knees sobbing and asking God for clarity and guidance turned out to be one of the best days of my life ! It became my personal Mission to find my Life's Purpose , discover my Calling , find out what truly makes me happy , fulfilled and balanced.
It became my personal mission to help others to find their own!
Through my Spiritual Awakening I've started my journey to an inner liberation from insecurities, doubts, releasing old programs and conditionings that did not serve me anymore . And along a way came a realization of how little I trusted my God given healing, intuitive and psychic gifts.
I felt that I lost my identity and I see it happening to so many women as we are natural nurturers and love is our language, but many times we are showering it out on others without giving it to ourselves, neglecting our own needs , as we have so much to offer to this world!
I've embarked on my own healing journey , practicing yoga, meditation, journaling, reflection, being in the best mastermind groups, learning experts in the area and daily connecting to Divine and the Universe!
Working with clients I've created my own unique Magic Activation method of combining energy healing , emotional and mindset mastery .
Being a therapist and an NLP Master I'm using a combination of different psychological techniques together with coaching skills I've learned through Tony Robbins Strategic Intervention certification , working for his Foundation, attending numerous workshops and seminars .
Want to hear more about how I can transform your life? Submit your information and I will reply to let you know which one of my events and/or services should be your next step!